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Main » Articles » Filme

Sweeney Todd: Barbierul diabolic din Fleet Street (DVDRip-2007)

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Premiat la Oscar si cu 2 premii Golden Globes.
Gen: Crima, Film noir, Muzical
Vizionarul realizator de film Tim Burton ("Batman", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory") si starul premiat cu Globul de Aur, Johnny Depp ("Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", trilogia "Pirates of the Caribbean"), ne ofera un nou musical thriller dramatic, "Sweeney Todd, barbierul diabolic din Fleet Street", ce constituie o viziune originala si captivanta a renumitului muzical creat de legendarul compozitor si textier Stephen Sondheim.

Category: Filme | Added by: bo$$ (2009-03-05) | Author: boss
Views: 202 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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